Professional Cover Up

Tattoos can seem great at the time, and the thought of it being permanent may never cross your mind, but things change and so do preferences for what is visible on your skin. If the time has come where you regret a tattoo and would like it covered, the process can be tricky but experts like artist Amaury Ramirez at Bad Habits Tattoos in Fort Lauderdale will give your skin a brand-new look.

Important to keep in mind the facts of tattoos. Ink is initially injected into the dermis (1mm below the surface) and because of this, when a cover-up takes place, the inks mix instead of the new sitting on top of the old. With this in mind, there is no cookie-cutter template for making a tattoo, it is understandably more difficult of a process as the desired tattoo to be covered increases in complexity. The expertise of an artist is crucial for this process to produce exceptional results and no artist in Ft. Lauderdale does it better than Amaury. Artists, like him, will assess what it is you’d like covered, take into account any suggestions you may have regarding what you’d like in place of it and craft a new design to either blend it in or cover it entirely. Whether it’s turning an ex’s name into a new work of art or covering that spring break tattoo you regret, each experience is personalized and will hide exactly what it is you’d like.