Watercolor Tattoos Definition and Techniques

Most people don’t know that there are numerous different tattooing techniques out there. The vast majority of individuals who are looking to get a new tattoo usually focus on the aesthetic appeal of their piece rather than the technique. Watercolor tattoos have become quite popular in recent years, but most people still aren’t too familiar with this particular technique.

If you’re interested in finding more about how are watercolor tattoos done, take a moment to read our article as we’ve covered the essentials of this concept. Hopefully, once you’re done reading, you’ll have a much better idea of why watercolor style tattoos are so popular nowadays.

What is a Watercolor Tattoo?

The first thing most people get wrong about this concept is that it is somehow done differently in comparison to “normal” tattoos. While there are a few subtle differences, the concept stays the same.

Watercolor tattoos are made in the same way and with the same tools as regular tattoos with a pretty important caveat – style and shading technique are done differently. While traditional tattoos consist of solid colors and strong outlines, watercolor tattoos are created with more gradual coloring and with almost no outlines. This way, watercolor pieces resemble a classic watercolor painting.

Watercolor Tattoo Techniques

While watercolor tattoos are, by definition, slightly simpler than traditional tattoos, they aren’t easily done. In fact, if you’re looking to get a quality piece, you ought to find a talented and experienced artist or else you might find yourself in a bit of a pickle, especially if your session goes south due to the inexperienced artists.

An experienced artist must be proficient in fading, shades, runs, blurs, and bleeds in order to create a good watercolor piece. Some of these techniques are pretty straightforward, while others take years to master. Therefore, finding an experienced artist is a must if you’re looking to get your money’s worth.

Concerns About Fading

The main downside many critics like to point out about this concept is that watercolor tattoos tend to fade quicker than normal ones due to being made of soft and bright colors. While this is somewhat true, it’s important to point out that all tattoos fade eventually, it’s only a matter of time.

So, rather than being worried when your tattoo is going to fade, you should focus on prevention.

Here are a couple of things you can do in order to postpone fading:

  • Keep it Away From Sunlight

Sunlight is the number-one enemy of every tattoo. It doesn’t matter whether your piece is old or new, too much exposure to direct sunlight will cause it to fade significantly. Luckily, you can prevent potential predicaments by using sun lotion to block UV rays.

Keep it Away From Sunlight

  • Take Good Care of Your Skin

This is a rather obvious and straightforward tip, yet many people decide to ignore it. The rule is simple – take good care of your skin, and you’ll significantly postpone the fading process of your tattoo. This includes the use of moisturizers, adequate hydration, healthy diet, and most importantly – quality sleep!

Contrary to popular belief, skin care doesn’t just involve the use of commercially available cosmetic products. It also refers to taking care of yourself by eating healthy, exercising, and taking care of your body in general.

If you’re looking for different concepts instead of going with the classic tattoos, take a moment and look at some watercolor tattoo designs, you might find them interesting. If you want to know more about this industry, read our other articles!

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